
Le journal en ligne des élèves du Lycée Franco-Allemand de Sarrebruck

Suzanne Woolcott, the wonderful designer of Gorjuss

 Photo: N’Diaye / Camäléon

Suzanne Woolcott is a 30 year-old artist and lives in Glasgow, Scotland, in the United Kingdom. She is married and has 3 children (and a carismatic cat…). She loves drawing and painting and she spends most of her time doing it because it’s her job. In lots of her drawings, you can see the same motif: black and white stripes.

Her biggest dreams are:

  • having longer hair than Rapunzel
  • having a water drop as a pet.

Her works of arts are printed on objects like bags, pencilcases, clothes, mugs, pens… and are sold all around the world. You can also have a tattoo of one of her pictures on a part of your body.

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